from Infinite Variations
by Marci Nelligan
Belief in various objects
led to resemblance
the mouth of the whale
or lower eye.
We cannot explain the world
various causes
construct for god
bodies in
one country
whilst in another
trees or bread.
The hand will strike
segments of a limb used solely for locomotion
its enemies will change to orchids—
through the occasional here
a mamma-blood apparatus
secretes nutritious fluid.
Mankind acquired reason
this should be this
and also that
closer and—all the more
a perfect mind.
Near the head
exists a close analogy—
the tail
before the eyes
plumes of birds,
teeth of certain lizards
under my thigh
your hand
in electric intervals
finally lost
its transition
spoken in the ears
as well as the cave
trees that were buried
now mature
the same country
put a field of organs
in manifest irritation
the land is old
and powerful
in defense of which
is something new
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